Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
AnnotationCode.Translations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0
AppWithinMinutes.Translations LGPL-2.1 98% 3 27 167 3 18 0 0
Display Macro LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FlamingoThemesCode.Translations LGPL-2.1 97% 1 5 27 1 2 0 0
IconThemesCode.Translations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Include Macro LGPL-2.1 84% 5 16 91 5 2 0 0
Index.Translations LGPL-2.1 75% 3 9 69 3 1 0 0
Localization Macro LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Macros.TreeTranslations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mail.Translations LGPL-2.1 88% 5 53 329 3 1 0 0
Main.SolrTranslations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
Panels.Translations LGPL-2.1 92% 1 9 50 1 3 0 0
PanelsCode.Translations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
Platform.SandboxTestPage LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Repository LGPL-2.1 39% 20 62 412 20 0 0 0
Sandbox.WebHome LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Skin Extensions LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SkinsCode.Translations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
XWiki Core Resources LGPL-2.1 95% 202 1,690 10,408 149 281 3 0
Glossary XWiki Platform LGPL-2.1 70% 5 5 34 5 0 0 0
xwiki-platform-extension-handler-xar LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
xwiki-platform-index-tree-macro DocumentTreeTranslations LGPL-2.1 94% 3 13 72 3 2 0 0
xwiki-platform-legacy-messagestream-api LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 14 0 0
xwiki-platform-office-macro LGPL-2.1 66% 3 31 282 3 0 0 0
xwiki-platform-template-api LGPL-2.1 85% 1 6 40 1 0 0 0
xwiki-platform-wiki-default LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xwiki-platform-wiki-ui-common WikiManager CommonTranslations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
xwiki-platform-wiki-ui-mainwiki WikiManager LGPL-2.1 99% 1 6 32 0 1 0 0
xwiki-platform-wiki-ui-wiki WikiManager LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
XWiki.UserDirectoryTranslations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxDefinitionLists LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxEscapes LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxGeneralRemarks LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxGroups LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxHeadings LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxHorizontalLine LGPL-2.1 50% 1 65 626 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxHTML LGPL-2.1 50% 1 72 783 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages LGPL-2.1 50% 1 1,336 11,375 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxIntroduction LGPL-2.1 50% 1 479 3,432 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks LGPL-2.1 50% 1 2,464 21,760 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLists LGPL-2.1 50% 1 954 5,961 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxMacros LGPL-2.1 50% 1 157 1,460 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxNewLineLineBreaks LGPL-2.1 50% 1 104 688 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxOtherSyntaxes LGPL-2.1 50% 1 17 214 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxParagraphs LGPL-2.1 50% 1 150 1,406 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxParameters LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxQuotations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxScripts LGPL-2.1 50% 1 113 935 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxTables LGPL-2.1 50% 1 279 2,917 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxTextFormatting LGPL-2.1 50% 1 47 829 0 2 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxTranslations LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
XWiki.XWikiSyntaxVerbatim LGPL-2.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0


Project website
Translation license LGPL-2.1 xwiki-platform-scheduler-ui Display Macro XWiki.XWikiSyntaxTranslations XWiki.XWikiSyntaxTextFormatting XWiki Security Authentication Default XWiki Platform Refactoring API XWiki.XWikiSyntaxParameters Extension - Security - UI Macros.TreeTranslations Dashboard.Translations xwiki-platform-wiki-ui-mainwiki WikiManager Rendering XWiki xwiki-platform-xclass-ui XWiki Platform Icon Default LiveData - API XWiki.XWikiSyntaxGeneralRemarks Help.SupportPanel.Content XWiki.XWikiSyntaxEscapes Repository xwiki-platform-icon-macro XWiki Core Resources AnnotationCode.Translations xwiki-platform-index-tree-api SkinsCode.Translations Rating module xwiki-platform-netflux-api JCaptcha UI Index.Translations Image Style UI XWiki.Notifications.Code.Translations XWiki.XWikiSyntaxGroups XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLists xwiki-platform-wiki-ui-wiki WikiManager Sandbox.WebHome XWiki.RatingsTranslations Main.WebHome XWiki.XWikiSyntaxDefinitionLists UI Extension API XWiki.Notifications.Code.LegacyNotificationAdministrationTranslations Mail.Translations XWiki Platform - Attachment - Picker - UI xwiki-platform-office-macro xwiki-platform-help-ui-code Skin Extensions Jetty listener XWiki.XWikiSyntaxVerbatim Include Macro XWiki.AdminTranslations.xml XWiki.UserProfileTranslations IconThemesCode.Translations xwiki-platform-wiki-ui-common WikiManager CommonTranslations XWiki WikiMacro Store xwiki-platform-legacy-messagestream-api xwiki-platform-attachment-ui xwiki-platform-rendering-ui XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks xwiki-platform-logging-ui XWiki Platform WYSIWYG Editor API xwiki-platform-wiki-default Applications.Translations Platform.SandboxTestPage FlamingoThemesCode.Translations xwiki-platform-template-api PDF Export UI Extension - Security - Index Model API xwiki-platform-refactoring-ui Model Validation API Flavor API xwiki-platform-refactoring-default XWiki.Notifications.Macro XWiki.TemplateProviderTranslations XWiki.XWikiSyntaxScripts AppWithinMinutes.Translations xwiki-platform-release-ui XWiki.XWikiSyntaxHTML Mentions UI XWiki.UserDirectoryTranslations Captcha UI Like UI XWiki Platform - CKEditor - UI LiveData - Macro Menu Application xwiki-platform-statistics-ui Attachment API XWiki.XWikiSyntaxMacros xwiki-platform-whatsnew-ui Extension - Security - Notifications XWiki.XWikiSyntaxTables Like Notifications PanelsCode.Translations Localization Macro XWiki.XWikiSyntaxIntroduction xwiki-platform-extension-handler-xar XWiki.XWikiSyntaxNewLineLineBreaks xwiki-platform-search-solr-ui-admin XWiki.XWikiSyntaxOtherSyntaxes xwiki-platform-image-lightbox-ui XWiki.XWikiSyntaxParagraphs xwiki-platform-help-ui-contributors Attachment - Validation - UI Invitation.Translations XWiki.XWikiSyntaxHorizontalLine XWiki.OfficeImporterTranslations Tour.HomepageTour.Translations Attachment - Picker - Macro XWiki.EditTranslations Attachment - Validation - Default XWiki.XWikiSyntaxHeadings Model Validation UI xwiki-platform-help-ui-movies Main.SolrTranslations XWiki.XWikiSyntaxQuotations TourCode.TourTranslations Help.Translations xwiki-platform-extension-script Panels.Translations xwiki-platform-index-tree-macro DocumentTreeTranslations Mentions Notifications Extension - Security - API xwiki-platform-model-validation-default XWiki Security Authentication UI
3 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 5,696 37,017 239,967
Translated 95% 5,430 77% 28,848 73% 175,568
Needs editing 1% 69 18% 6,970 23% 57,018
Read-only 1% 30 1% 12 1% 50
Failing checks 6% 394 30% 11,138 35% 84,110
Strings with suggestions 1% 3 1% 6 1% 36
Untranslated strings 3% 197 3% 1,199 3% 7,381

Quick numbers

Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
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Resource updated

The "xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/resources/" file was changed. 10 days ago
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String updated in the repository

10 days ago
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Resource updated

The "xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/resources/" file was changed. 4 weeks ago
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String updated in the repository

4 weeks ago
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String updated in the repository

4 weeks ago
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String updated in the repository

4 weeks ago
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String updated in the repository

4 weeks ago
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String updated in the repository

4 weeks ago
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String updated in the repository

4 weeks ago
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String updated in the repository

4 weeks ago
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