Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/xwiki-platform/xwiki-xwikisyntaxhtml/es/units/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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                "= Programming =\n\n== HTML ==\n\n{{comment}}please do not translate the sub headlines{{/comment}}\n=== 1.0 HTML ===\n\n{{info}}It is possible to enter HTML markup directly in the text in XWiki Syntax 1.0.{{/info}}\n\n|=XWiki Syntax 1.0|=Result\n|<abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr>|{{html}}<abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr>{{/html}}\n\n=== 2.0 HTML ===\n\n{{info}}In XWiki Syntax {{velocity}}$crtSyntaxVer{{/velocity}} HTML or XHTML must be entered by using the [[HTML macro>>]].{{/info}}\n\n|=XWiki Syntax {{velocity}}$crtSyntaxVer{{/velocity}}|=Result\n|{{{{{html}}<abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr>{{/html}} }}}|{{html}}<abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr>{{/html}}"
            "previous_source": "= Programming =\n\n== HTML ==\n\n{{comment}}please do not translate the sub headlines{{/comment}}\n=== 1.0 HTML ===\n\n{{info}}It is possible to enter HTML markup directly in the text in XWiki Syntax 1.0.{{/info}}\n\n|=XWiki Syntax 1.0|=Result\n|<b>bold</b>|{{html}}<b>bold</b>{{/html}}\n\n=== 2.0 HTML ===\n\n{{info}}In XWiki Syntax {{velocity}}$crtSyntaxVer{{/velocity}} HTML or XHTML must be entered by using the HTML macro.{{/info}}\n\n|=XWiki Syntax {{velocity}}$crtSyntaxVer{{/velocity}}|=Result\n|{{{{{html}}<b>bold</b>{{/html}} }}}|{{html}}<b>bold</b>{{/html}}\n\n{{info}}In XWiki Syntax {{velocity}}$crtSyntaxVer{{/velocity}}, by default the HTML macro does not understands XWiki Syntax (other macros included since it's XWiki Syntax too). To enable it, use {{{{{html wiki=\"true\"}} }}}.{{/info}}",
            "target": [
                "= Programación =\n\n== HTML ==\n\n{{comment}}please do not translate the sub headlines{{/comment}}\n=== 1.0 HTML ===\n\n{{info}}En la Sintaxis XWiki 1.0, se puede añadir marcado HTML directamente en el texto.{{/info}}\n\n|=Sintaxis XWiki 1.0|=Resultado\n|<b>bold</b>|{{html}}<b>bold</b>{{/html}}\n\n=== 2.0 HTML ===\n\n{{info}}En la Sintaxis XWiki {{velocity}}$crtSyntaxVer{{/velocity}}, se debe utilizar la macro HTML para añadir HTML o XHTML.{{/info}}\n\n|=Sintaxis XWiki {{velocity}}$crtSyntaxVer{{/velocity}}|=Resultado\n|{{{{{html}}<b>bold</b>{{/html}} }}}|{{html}}<b>bold</b>{{/html}}\n\n{{info}}En la Sintaxis XWiki {{velocity}}$crtSyntaxVer{{/velocity}}, por defecto, la macro HTML no interpreta la Sintaxis XWiki (otras macros incluidas puesto que también es Sintaxis XWiki). Para activarla, utiliza {{{{{html wiki=\"true\"}} }}}.{{/info}}"
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            "timestamp": "2020-12-02T15:34:20.803485Z"