Changes API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/changes/298130/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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    "timestamp": "2022-03-21T15:17:26.337650Z",
    "action": 30,
    "target": "= Editing =\n\n== Links ==\n\n=== 1.0 Links ===\n\n|=(% style=\"width:20%\" %)Feature|=XWiki Syntax 1.0|=(% style=\"width:20%\" %)Result\n|Link to a page in the current Space|{{{[WebHome]}}}|[[Web Home>>WebHome]]\n|Link with a label|{{{[label>WebHome]}}}|[[label>>WebHome]]\n|Link with XWiki Syntax in the label|{{{<a href=\"$xwiki.getURL(\"WebHome\")\"><strong>bold label</strong></a>}}}|[[**bold label**>>WebHome]]\n|Link to a page with the space specified|{{{[Main.WebHome]}}}|[[Web Home>>Main.WebHome]]\n|Link to a subwiki|{{{[subwiki:Main.WebHome]}}}|[[Web Home>>xwiki:Main.WebHome]]\n|Link that opens in a new window|{{{[label>WebHome>_blank]}}}|[[label>>WebHome||target=\"_blank\"]]\n|Link to a URL directly in the text|{{{This is a URL:}}}|This is a URL:\n|Link to a URL|{{{[]}}}|[[]]\n|Link to a URL with a label|{{{[XWiki>]}}}|[[XWiki>>]]\n|Link to an email address|{{{[>]}}}|[[>>]]\n|Image Link|{{{<a href=\"$xwiki.getURL(\"Space1.Page1\")\">{image:img.png|document=Space2.Page2}</a>}}}|[[image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png>>Main.WebHome]]\n|Image Link with image parameters|{{{<a href=\"$xwiki.getURL(\"Space1.Page1\")\">{image:img.png|document=Space2.Page2|width=26|height=26}</a>}}}|[[[[image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png||width=\"26\" height=\"26\"]]>>Main.WebHome]]\n|Link to an attachment on the current page|(((\n{{info}}See [[Attach Macro>>]] for details{{/info}}\n{{{{attach:text|file=img.png}}}}\n)))|[[text>>attach:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png]]\n|Link to an attachment in a different page|(((\n{{info}}See [[Attach Macro>>]] for details{{/info}}\n{{{{attach:text|document=Space.Page|file=img.png}}}}\n)))|[[text>>attach:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png]]\n|Link to an Anchor in a page|{{{[label>Space.Page#anchor]}}}|[[label>>XWiki.XWikiSyntax||anchor=anchor]]\n|Link to a Heading in a page|(((\n{{{[label>Space.Page#HMyheading]}}}\n)))|[[label>>XWiki.XWikiSyntax||anchor=HMyheading]]\n\n{{info}}When you add a Heading, an anchor named \"H\" followed by the heading title with only alpha characters is created. For example, for a Heading named \"My heading\", the generated anchor will be \"HMyheading\".{{/info}}\n\n{{velocity}}$subHeading XWiki Syntax 1.0 Link Specification $subHeading{{/velocity}}\n\n{{info}}\nPart in ##( )## is required, parts in ##[ ]## are optional and one of the two chars in ##{ }## needs to be added if optional parts are being used.\n{{/info}}\n\nThe full format of a link is **##[label {> or |}] (resource) [@interWikiAlias] [{> or |} target]##**\n\n* **##label##**: An optional string which will be displayed to the user as the link name when rendered. Example: ##My Page##\n* **##resource##**: The full link reference using the following syntax: **##(reference) [?queryString] [#anchor]##**\n** **##reference##**: The link reference. This can be either\n*** **A URI** in the form **##protocol:path##** (examples: ##http:~/~/,, or\n*** **A wiki page** reference in the form **##~[~[wikiName:] spaceNameList.] (pageName)##**. Examples: ##WebHome##, ##Main.WebHome##, ##mywiki:Main.WebHome##\n**** **##wikiName##**: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. Example: ##mywiki##\n**** **##spaceNameList##**: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: ##Main##, ##A.B##, ##A.B.C##\n**** **##pageName##**: A required string containing the name of the linked wiki page. Example: ##WebHome##\n** **##queryString##**: An optional query string for specifying parameters that will be used in the rendered URL. Example: ##mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello##\n** **##anchor##**: An optional anchor name pointing to an anchor defined in the referenced link. Note that in XWiki anchors are automatically created for headings. Example: ##HTableOfContents##\n* **##interWikiAlias##**: An optional [[Inter Wiki>>]] alias as defined in the InterWiki Map (see the [[Admin Guide>>]]). This is only valid for wiki page names. Example: ##wikipedia##\n* **##target##**: An optional string corresponding to the Hhttps://TML ##target## attribute for a HTML ##A## link element. This element is used when rendering the link. It defaults to opening the link in the current window. Examples: ##_self##, ##_blank##\n\n=== 2.0 Links ===\n\n|=(% style=\"width:20%\" %)Feature|=XWiki Syntax 2.0|=(% style=\"width:20%\" %)Result\n|Link to a page in the current Space|{{{[[WebHome]]}}}|[[WebHome]]\n|Link with a label|(((\n{{{[[label>>WebHome]]}}}\n{{info}}XWiki Syntax is supported inside link labels.{{/info}}\n)))|[[label>>WebHome]]\n|Link with XWiki Syntax in the label|{{{[[**bold label**>>WebHome]]}}}|[[**bold label**>>WebHome]]\n|Link to a page with the space specified|{{{[[Main.WebHome]]}}}|[[Main.WebHome]]\n|Link to a subwiki|{{{[[subwiki:Main.WebHome]]}}}|[[xwiki:Main.WebHome]]\n|Link that opens in a new window|{{{[[label>>WebHome||target=\"_blank\"]]}}}|[[label>>WebHome||target=\"_blank\"]]\n|Link to a URL directly in the text|{{{This is a URL:}}}|This is a URL:\n|Link to a URL|{{{[[]]}}}|[[]]\n|Link to a URL with a label|{{{[[XWiki>>]]}}}|[[XWiki>>]]\n|Link to an email address|{{{[[>>]]}}}|[[>>]]\n|Image Link|{{{[[image:Space2.Page2@img.png>>Space1.Page1]]}}}|[[image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png>>Main.WebHome]]\n|Image Link with image parameters|{{{[[[[image:Space2.Page2@img.png||width=\"26\" height=\"26\"]]>>Space1.Page1]]}}}|[[[[image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png||width=\"26\" height=\"26\"]]>>Main.WebHome]]\n|Link to an attachment on the current page|{{{[[text>>attach:img.png]]}}}|[[text>>attach:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png]]\n|Link to an attachment in a different page|{{{[[text>>attach:Space.Page@img.png]]}}}|[[text>>attach:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png]]\n|Link to an Anchor in a page|{{{[[label>>Space.Page#anchor]]}}}|[[label>>XWiki.XWikiSyntax||anchor=\"anchor\"]]\n|Link to a Heading in a page|{{{[[label>>Space.Page#HMyheading]]}}}|[[label>>XWiki.XWikiSyntax||anchor=\"HMyheading\"]]\n|Link to an Anchor in the current page|{{{[[label>>#anchor]]}}}|[[label>>||anchor=\"anchor\"]]\n\n{{info}}When you add a Heading, an anchor named \"H\" followed by the heading title with only alpha characters is created. For example, for a Heading named \"My heading\", the generated anchor will be \"HMyheading\".{{/info}}\n\n{{velocity}}$subHeading XWiki Syntax 2.0 Link Specification $subHeading{{/velocity}}\n\n{{info}}\nThe part in ##( )## is required, while the parts in ##[ ]## are optional.\n{{/info}}\n\nThe full format of a link is **##[label>>] (resource) [@interWikiAlias] [||parameters]##**\n\n* **##label##**: An optional string which will be displayed to the user as the link name when rendered. The label may contain XWiki Syntax. If no label is specified a default label will be generated. The generation pattern can be changed, see the [[Admin Guide>>]]. Example: ##My Page##\n* **##resource##**: The full link reference using the following syntax: **##(reference) [?queryString] [#anchor]##**\n** **##reference##**: The link reference in one of the following forms:\n*** **URL**: Any URL in the form of **##protocol:~/~/path##**. Examples: ##http:~/~/, ##https:~/~/\n*** **Wiki page** reference in the form **##~[~[wikiName:] spaceNameList.] (pageName)##**. Examples: ##WebHome##, ##Main.WebHome##, ##mywiki:Main.WebHome##\n**** **##wikiName##**: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. Example: ##mywiki##\n**** **##spaceNameList##**: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: ##Main##, ##A.B##, ##A.B.C##\n**** **##pageName##**: A required string containing the name of the linked wiki page. Example: ##WebHome##\n*** **Attachment** reference in the form **##attach~: [wikiPageName@] (attachmentName)##**. Examples: ##attach~:img.png##, ##attach~:mywiki:Main.WebHome@img.png##\n**** **##attach~:##** A required string identifying the resource as attachment.\n**** **##wikiPageName##**: An optional string referencing the page that holds the attachment, see \"Wiki page\" above.\n**** **##attachmentName##**: Name of the attachment as it is stored in the wiki.\n*** **Email address** in the form **##mailto~: (emailAddress)##** (###anchor## is not valid). Example:\n**** **##mailto~:##** A required string identifying the resource as email.\n**** **##emailAddress##**: Targeted email address. Example: \"\"\n** **##queryString##**: An optional query string for specifying parameters that will be used in the rendered URL. Example: ##mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello##\n** **##anchor##**: An optional anchor name pointing to an anchor defined in the referenced link. Note that in XWiki anchors are automatically created for headings and images. Example: ##HTableOfContents##\n* **##interWikiAlias##**: An optional [[Inter Wiki>>]] alias as defined in the InterWiki Map (see the [[Admin Guide>>]]). This is only valid for wiki page names. Example: ##wikipedia##\n* **##parameters##**: An optional list of parameters passed to the link. Example: ##target=\"~_blank\"## (open in new window)\n\n=== 2.1 Links ===\n\n|=Feature|=XWiki Syntax 2.1|=Result\n|Absolute link to page ##PageB## located in ##PageA##|{{{[[PageA.PageB]]}}}|[[PageB>>]]\n|Relative link to page ##PageA## from the current page|{{{[[PageA]]}}} or {{{[[.PageA]]}}}|[[PageA>>]]\n|Relative link to page ##PageB## in ##PageA## from the current page|{{{[[.PageA.PageB]]}}}|[[PageB>>]]\n|Link with a label|(((\n{{{[[label>>PageA]]}}}\n\n{{info}}XWiki Syntax is supported inside link labels.{{/info}}\n)))|[[label>>]]\n|Link with wiki syntax in the label|{{{[[**bold label**>>PageA]]}}}|[[**bold label**>>]]\n|Link on an image|{{{[[image:PageA@img.png>>PageA]]}}}|[[image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxLinks@img.png>>]]\n|Absolute link to page ##PageB## located in ##PageA## in wiki ##WikiA##|{{{[[WikiA:PageA.PageB]]}}}|[[PageB>>]]\n|Link that opens in a new window|{{{[[PageA||target=\"_blank\"]]}}}|[[PageA>>]]\n|Implicit link to a URL|{{{This is a URL:}}}|This is a URL:\n|Explicit link to a URL|{{{[[]]}}}|[[]]\n|Explicit link to a URL with a label|{{{[[XWiki>>]]}}}|[[XWiki>>]]\n|Link to an email address|{{{[[>>]]}}}|[[>>]]\n|Link to an attachment on the current page|{{{[[attach:img.png]]}}}|[[img.png>>]]\n|Link to an attachment in a different page|{{{[[attach:PageA.PageB@img.png]]}}}|[[img.png>>]]\n|Link to an Anchor in a page|{{{[[PageA.PageB||anchor=\"anchor\"]]}}}|[[PageB>>]]\n|Link to a Heading in a page|(((\n{{{[[PageA.PageB||anchor=\"HMyheading\"]]}}}\n\n{{info}}When you add a Heading, an anchor named \"H\" followed by the heading title with only alpha characters is created. For example, for a Heading named \"My heading\", the generated anchor will be \"HMyheading\".{{/info}}\n)))|[[PageB>>]]\n|Link to an anchor in the current page|{{{[[label>>||anchor=\"anchor\"]]}}}|[[label>>]]\n|Link to a page with a query string|{{{[[PageA.PageB||queryString=\"param1=value1&param2=value2\"]]}}}|[[PageB>>]]\n|Link to the current page with a query string|{{{[[label>>||queryString=\"param1=value1&param2=value2\"]]}}}|[[label>>]]\n\n{{velocity}}$subHeading XWiki Syntax 2.1 Link Specification $subHeading{{/velocity}}\n\n{{info}}\nLegend: The parts in ##()## are required, while the parts in ##[]## are optional.\n{{/info}}\n\nThe full format of a link is **##[label>>] (resource) [||parameters]##**\n\n* **##label##**: An optional string which will be displayed to the user as the link name when rendered. The label may contain XWiki Syntax. If no label is specified a default label will be generated. The generation pattern can be changed, see the [[Admin Guide>>]]. Example: ##My Page##\n* **##resource##**: A required string with the link reference in one of the following forms\n** **URL**: Any URL in the form of **##[url:](protocol:~/~/path)##**. Examples: ##http:~/~/, ##url:https:~/~/\n*** **##url:##** An optional string identifying the resource as an URL.\n*** **##protocol:~/~/path##**: The URL itself\n** **Wiki page**: A reference in the form **##page:[(wikiName):](pageNameList)##**. Examples: ##page:Page##, ##page:myxwiki:Page##, ##page:ParentPage.ChildPage.SubChildPage##, ##page:../SiblingPage##, ##page:./ChildPage##\n*** **##page:##** A required string identifying the resource as an XWiki page. The same reference can be used for either a terminal or non-terminal page, if both exist it will lead to the non-terminal page.\n*** **##wikiName##**: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that  wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: ##mywiki##\n*** **##pageNameList##**: A required list of slash-separated wiki Pages names pointing to the final linked wiki Page syntax. It's also possible to use ##.## and ##..## to indicate current or parent page/wiki. Examples: ##Main##, ##A/B##, ##A/B/C##, ##../Sibling##, ##./Child##\n** **Wiki document**: A reference in the form **##[doc:]~[~[(wikiName):](spaceNameList).](documentName)##**. Examples: ##doc:Welcome##, ##doc:Main.Welcome##, ##doc:mywiki:Main.Welcome##, ##Welcome##\n*** **##doc:##** An optional string identifying the resource as an XWiki terminal page. A non-terminal page can also be referenced this way, but it must append its ##.WebHome## part (e.g. ##doc:Sandbox.WebHome##).\n*** **##wikiName##**: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: ##mywiki##.\n*** **##spaceNameList##**: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: ##Main##, ##A.B##, ##A.B.C##\n*** **##documentName##**: A required string containing the name of the linked wiki page. Example: ##Welcome##\n** **Wiki space**: A reference in the form **##space:[(wikiName):](spaceNameList)##**. Examples: ##space:Main##, ##space:mywiki:Main##, ##space:A.B.C##\n*** **##space:##** A required string identifying the resource as an XWiki non-terminal page (i.e. a space).\n*** **##wikiName##**: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: ##mywiki##\n*** **##spaceNameList##**: A required list of dot-separated wiki Space names pointing to the final linked wiki Space (or non-terminal page). Examples: ##Main##, ##A.B##, ##A.B.C##\n** **InterWiki page**: A reference in the form **##interwiki:[(interWikiAlias):](pageName)##**. Example: ##interwiki:wikipedia:XWiki##\n*** **##interwiki:##** A required string identifying the resource as an InterWiki link.\n*** **##interWikiAlias##**: An optional [[Inter Wiki>>]] alias as defined in the InterWiki Map (see the [[Admin Guide>>]]). Example: ##wikipedia##\n*** **##pageName##**: A required string containing the name of the linked page. Example: ##XWiki##\n** **Attachment**: A reference in the form **##attach~:[(wikiPageName)@](attachmentName)##**. Examples: ##attach~:img.png##, ##attach~:mywiki:Main.WebHome@img.png##, ##attach~:mywiki:Main@img.png##\n*** **##attach~:##** A required string identifying the resource as attachment.\n*** **##wikiPageName##**: An optional string referencing the (terminal or non-terminal) page that holds the attachment. This is resolved identically to \"Untyped\", below.\n*** **##attachmentName##**: Name of the attachment as it is stored in the wiki. Example: ##photo.png##\n** **Email address**: A reference in the form **##mailto{{{:(}}}emailAddress)##** (###anchor## is not valid). Example:\n*** **##mailto~:##** A required string identifying the resource as email.\n*** **##emailAddress##**: Targeted email address. Example:\n** **Relative path**: A reference on the server in the form **##path{{{:(}}}relPath)##**. Example: ##path:$doc.getURL('reset')## produces target address ##http:~/~/ where ##/xwiki/bin/reset/Space/Page## is produced by ##$doc.getURL('reset')##.\n*** **##path:##** A required string identifying the resource as a relative path.\n*** **##relPath##**: A required string containing the relative path of the resource on the server that shall be linked.\n** **UNC (Windows Explorer)**: A reference in the form **##unc{{{:(}}}path)##**. The link is rendered as a ##file:~/~/## link. Examples: ##unc:C:Windows##, ##unc:~~myserverpathimg.png##, ##unc:home/user/somefile##\n*** **##unc:##** A required string identifying the resource as a UNC (Windows Explorer) path.\n*** **##path##**: A required string containing the local path of resource accessible by the user. Examples: ##C:Windows##, ##~~myserverpathimg.png##, ##home/user/somefile##\n** **Untyped**: If none of the above-mentioned resource types are specified (i.e. no ##type:## resource prefix was specified in the link), then the link will be treated as a link to an XWiki terminal or non-terminal page using the following algorithm:\n*** **##Terminal page##** in the current space, //only// if it exists. Example: ##~[~[A]]## is resolved to the equivalent of ##~[~[doc:currentSpace.A]]##\n*** **##Non-terminal page##**  in the current space. Example: ##~[~[A]]## is resolved to the equivalent of ##~[~[space:currentSpace.A]]##, which is the equivalent of ##~[~[doc:currentSpace.A.WebHome]]##\n*** If the current page is non-terminal and the previous 2 checks above did not find an existing page, 2 additional checks are made:\n**** **##Terminal page##** as sibling in the parent space, //only// if it exists. Example: The ##~[~[B]]## link inside the non-terminal page ##A.C## is resolved to the equivalent of ##~[~[doc:A.B]]##\n**** **##Non-terminal page##** as sibling in the parent space, regardless if it exists or not. Example: The ##~[~[B]]## link inside the non-terminal page ##A.C## is resolved to the equivalent of ##~[~[space:A.B]]##, which is the equivalent of ##~[~[doc:A.B.WebHome]]##\n*** //Note1 - Absolute links//: If the untyped link has 2 or more dot-separated components specified (i.e. that look like a space name and a page name), the above algorithm will resolve the page relative to the current wiki, and not the current space. Example: ##~[~[A.B]]## can be resolved to either ##~[~[doc:currentWiki:A.B]]## (if it exists) or to ##~[~[space:currentWiki:A.B]##] (equivalent of ##~[~[doc:currentWiki:A.B.WebHome]]##) and not to ##~[~[doc:currentWiki:currentSpace.A.B]]## or ##~[~[doc:currentWiki:currentSpace.A.B.WebHome]]##.\n*** //Note2 - Special handling of ##.WebHome##//: If the untyped link ends in ##.WebHome##, it will //always// be handled as a terminal page. Example: ##~[~[A.WebHome]]## will always be resolved to the equivalent of ##~[~[doc:A.WebHome]]## and not to ##~[~[doc:A.WebHome.WebHome]]##.\n* **##parameters##**: An optional list of space-separated parameters passed to the link. Example: ##queryString=\"mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello\" anchor=\"HTableOfContents\" target=\"~_blank\"##\n** **##queryString##**: An optional query string for specifying parameters that will be appended to the link target address and used in the rendered URL. Example: ##url:http:~/~/||queryString=\"mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello\"## produces target address ##http:~/~/\n** **##anchor##**: An optional anchor name pointing to an anchor defined in the referenced link. Note that in XWiki anchors are automatically created for headings and images. Example: ##url:http:~/~/||anchor=\"HTableOfContents\"## produces target address ##http:~/~/\n** **##target##**: An optional parameter that allows to open link target in new window. Example: ##target=\"~_blank\"##",
    "id": 298130,
    "action_name": "Source string changed",
    "url": ""