# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### # This contains the translations of the module in the default language # (generally English). # # Translation key syntax: # .. # where: # * = top level project name without the "xwiki-" prefix, # for example: commons, rendering, platform, enterprise, manager, etc # * = the name of the Maven module without the prefix, # for example: oldcore, scheduler, activitystream, etc # * = the name of the property using camel case, # for example updateJobClassCommitComment # # Comments: it's possible to add some detail about a key to make easier to # translate it by adding a comment before it. To make sure a comment is not # assigned to the following key use at least three sharps (###) for the comment # or after it. # # Deprecated keys: # * when deleting a key it should be moved to deprecated section at the end # of the file (between #@deprecatedstart and #@deprecatedend) and associated to the # first version in which it started to be deprecated # * when renaming a key, it should be moved to the same deprecated section # and a comment should be added with the following syntax: # #@deprecated new.key.name # old.key.name=Some translation ############################################################################### job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.timeout=La acci\u00F3n ha sido cancelada porque no hemos recibido respuesta despu\u00E9s de 5 minutos. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.confirm=\u00BFDesea continuar? job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.tree.selectAll=seleccionar todo job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.tree.selectNone=nada job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.tree.paginationNode={0} m\u00E1s... job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.tree.freePages=P\u00E1ginas en las que no se usa ning\u00FAn XClass job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.forbiddenConcernedPages=Las siguientes p\u00E1ginas est\u00E1n implicadas en la acci\u00F3n prohibida ya que contienen tipos de datos estructurados. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.objectsPotentiallyMissingWarning=Tenga en cuenta que la lista de objetos implicados que se presenta en el siguiente \u00E1rbol no es exhaustiva. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/delete.title=Est\u00E1 a punto de eliminar las p\u00E1ginas que usan XClass. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/delete.explanation=Si borra estas p\u00E1ginas, es posible que algunas extensiones ya no funcionen. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/delete.help=Se recomienda eliminar los objetos que se refieren a un XClass antes de eliminarlo. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/delete.tree.title=P\u00E1ginas a eliminar job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/delete.forbiddenTitle=No puede continuar con este borrado. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/delete.forbiddenExplanation=Las p\u00E1ginas seleccionadas contienen tipos de datos estructurados. La eliminaci\u00F3n de estas p\u00E1ginas puede impedir que el wiki funcione correctamente. Pida a un usuario avanzado que proceda con esta refactorizaci\u00F3n. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/rename.title=Est\u00E1 a punto de renombrar las p\u00E1ginas que usan XClass. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/rename.explanation=Si cambia el nombre de estas p\u00E1ginas, es posible que algunas extensiones dejen de funcionar. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/rename.help=Se recomienda editar los objetos que se refieren a un XClass antes de renombrarla. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/rename.tree.title=P\u00E1ginas a renombrar job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/rename.forbiddenTitle=No puede continuar con este cambio de nombre. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/rename.forbiddenExplanation=Las p\u00E1ginas seleccionadas contienen tipos de datos estructurados. Renombrar estas p\u00E1ginas puede impedir que el wiki funcione correctamente. Pida a un usuario avanzado que proceda con esta refactorizaci\u00F3n. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/move.title=Est\u00E1 a punto de mover p\u00E1ginas que usan XClass. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/move.explanation=Si mueve estas p\u00E1ginas, es posible que algunas extensiones dejen de funcionar. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/move.help=Se recomienda editar los objetos que se refieren a un XClass antes de moverla. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/move.tree.title=P\u00E1ginas a mover job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/move.forbiddenTitle=No puede continuar con este movimiento. job.question.XClassBreakingQuestion.refactoring/move.forbiddenExplanation=Las p\u00E1ginas seleccionadas contienen tipos de datos estructurados. Mover estas p\u00E1ginas puede impedir que el wiki funcione correctamente. Pida a un usuario avanzado que proceda con esta refactorizaci\u00F3n.