Tour.HomepageTour Translations mr en 1 Tour.HomepageTour.WebHome xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin 1.1 Translations false plain/1.0 true ## Homepage Tour (by steps order) tour.homepageTour.welcome.title=XWiki मध्ये आपले स्वागत आहे tour.homepageTour.welcome.content=पुढच्या काही मिनिटांत आपणास आपल्या विकीचा इंटरफेस आणि मूलभूत कार्यक्षमता आढळतील. tour.homepageTour.panels.title=पॅनेल tour.homepageTour.panels.contentA=वर्तमान पॅनेल आपल्याला आपल्या विकीचे अनुप्रयोग आणि पृष्ठांवर प्रवेश करण्याची परवानगी देतात. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.panels.contentB=Administrators can customize them and decide which panels are shown. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.breadcrumbs.title=Breadcrumbs ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.breadcrumbs.contentA=The breadcrumbs allow you to identify where your page is located and navigate the hierarchy. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.breadcrumbs.contentB=The {0} button will always take you to the wiki''s home page. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageContent.title=Page Content ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageContent.contentA=This is the place where the content of the current page is displayed. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageContent.contentB=Edit this page to add tables, lists, macros and structure in order to organize your knowledge. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageMenu.title=Page Menu ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageMenu.contentA=This menu contains page related actions. With the appropriate rights, you can edit, create, administer or delete pages. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageMenu.contentB=The {0} button reveals more actions like Export, Print and Share. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageTabs.title=Page Tabs ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageTabs.contentA=Comments are a great way for users to discuss the page content. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.pageTabs.contentB=You can also attach files, compare page versions or see page information. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.header.title=Header ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.header.contentA=You can Search for content, Watch for page changes or access your User Profile. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.header.contentB=The {0} button opens a Drawer which contains wiki related actions like Administration and Indexes. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.tourComplete.title=Tour Complete ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.tourComplete.contentA=This completes your tour on XWiki's interface and basic functionalities. ### Missing: tour.homepageTour.tourComplete.contentB=For more details on each feature, access the {0}documentation{1}.