XWiki UserProfileTranslations en 0 xwiki:XWiki.Admin XWiki.WebHome xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin 1.1 User Profile Translations false plain/1.0 true XWiki.XWikiUsers_displayHiddenDocuments.hint=The wiki contains documents that are not displayed by default. These hidden documents represent technical content, like application classes, configuration pages, macros, styles, scripts, etc. XWiki.XWikiUsers_underline.hint=Choose if links should be underlined. XWiki.XWikiUsers_timezone.hint=Use a specific timezone so that the dates reflect your current location. XWiki.XWikiUsers_editor.hint=Choose what editor will be the default one, overriding the default editor set globally. If not defined, a default editor is chosen, depending on what is being edited. XWiki.XWikiUsers_usertype.hint=Choose what type of user will be the default one. Advanced users will have access to multiple editing features, terminal page creation, etc. XWiki.XWikiUsers_extensionConflictSetup.hint=Indicate if you want Extension Manager to ask you to confirm conflict resolution default rules (for example tell Extension Manager to ask you what to do if the document to upgrade has been removed from the wiki). userprofile.default=Default user.profile.groups.title=Groups user.profile.groups.description=Here are listed all the groups your user belongs to. user.profile.groups.table.group=Group platform.core.profile.category.groups=Groups user.profile.notifications=Notifications user.profile.network.unfollow.question=Are you sure you want to unfollow this user? user.profile.network.unfollow.question.yes=Yes, unfollow user.profile.network.unfollow.question.no=No, cancel user.profile.network.following=Following user.profile.network.notfollowing=Not following user.profile.network.follow=Start following user.profile.network.unfollow=Stop following user.profile.network.done=Done user.profile.network.saving=Saving... user.profile.network.error=Error saving the notification setting user.profile.status.done=Done user.profile.status.saving=Saving... user.profile.status.error=Error saving the user status ## Used to indicate where deprecated keys start #@deprecatedstart ## Deprecated since 16.3.0RC1 XWiki.XWikiUsers_accessibility.hint=Extra accessibility will enable various visual enhancements like: bigger fonts, underlined links, etc. ## Used to indicate where deprecated keys end #@deprecatedend XWiki.UserProfileTranslations 0 XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass 39831c7b-c24e-405e-81ab-12e8e3d6af4a XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass 0 0 select 0 scope 1 Scope 0 |, 1 0 GLOBAL|WIKI|USER|ON_DEMAND com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StaticListClass WIKI