Refactoring.Code RefactoringTranslations en 0 xwiki:XWiki.Admin Refactoring.Code.WebHome xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin 1.1 RefactoringTranslations false plain/1.0 true refactoring.configuration.delete.heading=Delete Properties admin.delete=Delete Refactoring.Code.RefactoringConfigurationClass_isRecycleBinSkippingActivated=Can skip the recycle bin Refactoring.Code.RefactoringConfigurationClass_isRecycleBinSkippingActivated.hint=When set to Yes, allows advanced users to choose whether they want to send pages to the recycle bin or delete them permanently when deleting pages. When set to No, pages are always sent to the recycle bin if it is active, otherwise they are always permanently deleted. The default value is No. refactoring.configuration.delete.emptySection=Nothing to configure in this section. Refactoring.Code.RefactoringTranslations 0 XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass dbc1a9ef-e400-41cb-b6c1-ab228f351fb7 XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass 0 0 select forbidden 0 0 scope 1 Scope 0 |, 1 0 GLOBAL|WIKI|USER|ON_DEMAND com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StaticListClass WIKI