# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- realtime.editingAlone=Editing alone realtime.editingWith=Editing with: realtime.disconnected=Disconnected realtime.synchronizing=Synchronizing realtime.reconnecting=Reconnecting... realtime.lag=Lag realtime.allowRealtime=Allow Realtime Collaboration realtime.sessionInProgress=A Realtime Editor session is in progress: realtime.saved=Saved: v{0} realtime.mergeOverwrite=Overwrote the realtime session's content with the latest saved state realtime.savedRemote=v{0} saved by {1} realtime.savedRemoteNoMerge=v{0} saved by {1} in {2} - Save here to merge the content. realtime.conflictResolved=merge conflict resolved remotely, now v{0} realtime.mergeDialog.prompt=A change was made to the document outside of the realtime session, and the server had difficulty merging it with your version. How would you like to handle this? realtime.mergeDialog.keepRealtime=Overwrite all changes with the current realtime version realtime.mergeDialog.keepRemote=Overwrite all changes with the current remote version realtime.redirectDialog.pluralPrompt=Different Realtime sessions already exist for that document. Which session do you want to join? realtime.redirectDialog.create=Request a new realtime {0} session realtime.redirectDialog.join=Join the realtime {0} session realtime.waiting=Waiting for an answer realtime.requestASession=The document is locked by another user. Do you want to request a collaborative session? realtime.requestDialog.prompt=Someone wants to edit this document with you. Would you like to create a collaborative session? realtime.requestDialog.create=Save and create a {0} collaborative session realtime.requestDialog.reject=Stay offline and keep the document locked realtime.requestDialog.autoCreate=Without action on your part, a collaborative session will be created in {0}s. realtime.requestDialog.saveError=We were unable to save. Your request to join the collaborative session has been cancelled. realtime.rejectDialog.prompt=Your request has been rejected. You can wait for the document to be unlocked. If you force the lock, you risk losing content. realtime.rejectDialog.invalid=The editing mode currently used by the other user doesn't allow collaborative editing. Your request has been automatically rejected. Please wait for the document to be unlocked. realtime.rejectDialog.ok=OK realtime.conflictsWarning=Multiple users are editing this document concurrently. realtime.conflictsWarningInfoRt=You can avoid these problems if they join the collaborative session. realtime.conflictsWarningSuggestion=You can prevent these problems by copying or saving your changes and then {0}. realtime.conflictsWarningInfoLink=enabling realtime collaboration realtime.wsError=We were unable to connect you to the realtime system. realtime.wsErrorInfo=You won't be warned if other users want to edit the document collaboratively and you can't join a collaborative session. realtime.wsErrorConflicts=You risk losing content if other users edit the document at the same time. realtime.connectingBox=Connecting to the collaborative session. Please wait... realtime.connectionLost=You've lost the connection to the collaborative session. realtime.connectionLostInfo=The editor has been set to read-only mode while we try to reconnect. realtime.reloadDialog.prompt=The realtime session was terminated while you were offline. The document is now in read-only mode. You can close this modal and copy your latest changes if they were not saved and then reload the page to edit it again. realtime.reloadDialog.reload=Reload the page now realtime.reloadDialog.exit=Close this dialog realtime.disableDialog.prompt=You are about to leave the collaborative session. If other users are still editing the document, you risk losing content. Do you want to continue? realtime.disableDialog.ok=Leave the collaborative session realtime.disableDialog.exit=Cancel realtime.versionDialog.prompt=The document has been modified since you last saved it. Please copy your changes and reload the page to get the latest version. realtime.versionDialog.old=Your version: realtime.versionDialog.latest=Latest version: realtime.versionDialog.link=View differences realtime.autoAcceptSave=Auto-save when switching to a collaborative session realtime.editor.getContentFailed=Failed to get the edited content. You should try to copy your changes and reload the editor. ############################################################################### ## Deprecated ## Note: each element should be removed when the last branch using it is no longer supported ############################################################################### ## Used to indicate where deprecated keys start #@deprecatedstart ####################################### ## until 14.10.19, 15.5.3, 15.9 ####################################### realtime.conflictsWarningInfo=You can prevent these problems by copying or saving your changes and then realtime.requestDialog.autoAccept=Without action on your part, a collaborative session will be created in ## Used to indicate where deprecated keys end #@deprecatedend