Help.Code Translations en 0 xwiki:XWiki.Admin Main.WebHome xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin 1.1 Translations false plain/1.0 true Application allows you to publish your information and share it to the world. help.applications.browse.description=Choose from community contributed applications and install them inside your wiki. help.applications.browse.tip={0}Extension Manager{1} helps you manage (install, update, uninstall) your applications. help.applications.browse.title=Browse applications help.applications.create.demo.label=Demo help.applications.create.description=Define the structure of your data, customize it and create the application you want. help.applications.create.tip={0}App Within Minutes{1} helps you build applications without having technical knowledge. help.applications.create.title=Create your application help.applications.description=Applications allow to group related structured pages together. help.applications.description1=Need help or confused with some of our applications? Check out their documentation and find out more about their functionality. help.applications.fileManager.description=File Manager manages your files, providing a viewer of supported files, tag cloud and allowing filtering. help.applications.fileManager.title=File Manager Application allows you to create new categories and discuss topics within them. help.applications.ideas.description=Ideas Application encourage you to submit ideas that can be voted by your team. help.applications.ideas.title=Ideas more applications help.applications.meetings.description=Meetings Application manages your meetings mentioning the date, location, participants, etc. help.applications.meetings.title=Meetings Application helps you create navigation menus and displayed them in your instance. help.applications.title=Applications help.applications.title1=Examples help.browse.label=Browse help.description1=XWiki offers a wide range of powerful features that will enable you to create, organize and find content. This section will show you how to use the basic features of XWiki. help.description2=Congratulations for acquiring your XWiki instance. XWiki is very versatile and can be used to create knowledge bases, intranets or any type of business application you want. This is achievable because of XWiki's customization power, that starts at page level, from a simple to a more advanced usage. help.edit.description=Use a powerful {0}WYSIWYG{1} content editor or {2}syntax{1} to create rich wiki pages. help.edit.title=Page Editing help.example.label=See examples help.history.description=View previous versions of a page, compare different versions or rollback to any past version. help.history.title1=History help.history.title=Version Control help.history.version11.content=Check help.history.version11.comment=Initial version help.history.version21.title=Page History help.history.version21.content=Check mate help.history.version22.title=History help.history.version22.content=Check the {0}history{0}. help.history.version22.comment=Minor change help.history.version31.content=Check the {0}history{0} tab. help.history.version31.content1=Compare the versions. help.import.description=Import content from various sources and export it in an open format (XML, HTML, PDF, ODT). help.import.title=Import / Export Macro a message in a styled box.{0}Box Macro{1} displays a message in a styled box. are several specialized box macros: is a box message of the box help.macros.browseMacros.description=Choose from community contributed macros and install them inside your wiki. help.macros.browseMacros.tip=The {0}Macro Index{1} lists the macros that are already installed and ready to be used inside your pages. help.macros.browseMacros.title=Browse Macros help.macros.chart={0}Chart Macro{1} displays graphical charts generated from miscellaneous data sources. Chart help.macros.chart.description=Generates graphical charts from data sources. help.macros.chart.pie=Pie Chart help.macros.chart.time=Time Series Chart help.macros.chart.title=Chart help.macros.description=Macros are reusable functionality that can be integrated inside a page. help.macros.error=Error Macro help.macros.error.message=This is an error message help.macros.example=Example help.macros.examples.description=Need help or confused with some of our macros? Check out their documentation and find out more about their functionality. help.macros.examples.title=Examples{0}Gallery Macro{1} displays a list of images in a slide-show gallery. a list of images in a slide-show gallery. help.macros.header=Section help.macros.header1=Sub-Section Macro is an info message help.macros.more=View more macros help.macros.notifications.activity.title1=Wiki Activity help.macros.notifications.activity.title2=Current User Activity help.macros.notifications.content={0}Notifications Macro{0} provides information about recent activities done by the users. help.macros.notifications.description=Displays recent activities done on pages by the users. help.macros.notifications.title=Notifications help.macros.success=Success Macro help.macros.success.message=This is a success message help.macros.title=Macros help.macros.toc={0}Table of Contents Macro{0} generates a table of contents for the page headings. help.macros.toc.description.content=The following examples use the current page structure constituted by two sections and three subsections. Learn more about structuring a page with headings {0}on the syntax page.{1} help.macros.toc.description=Generates a table of contents for the page headings. help.macros.toc.description.title=Description help.macros.toc.examples.title=Macro Table of Contents Examples help.macros.toc.insideBox=Table of Contents inside a box help.macros.toc.simple=Simple Table of Contents help.macros.toc.startingPoint=Table of Contents with a starting point help.macros.toc.title=Table of Contents help.macros.tree.description=Displays the hierarchy of pages. help.macros.tree.subtitle=Tree help.macros.tree.pageDescription={0}Page Tree Macro{0} displays the hierarchy of pages. help.macros.tree.title=Page Tree help.macros.tree.header1=Page Hierarchy Tree help.macros.tree.header2=Compact Page Hierarchy Tree help.macros.tree.header3=Wiki {0} Space {0} Page Tree help.macros.tree.header4=Full Entity Tree help.macros.useMacros.description=Macros are reusable pieces of functionality that can be integrated inside pages. help.macros.useMacros.tip=The {0}WYSIWYG Editor{1} allows you to insert macros and to customize their parameters when editing pages. Look for the {2} button on the tool bar. help.macros.useMacros.title=Use Macros help.macros.warning=Warning Macro help.macros.warning.message=This is a warning message help.more.label=Learn more help.organization.description=Organize your content in hierarchical pages, grouped in several (sub)wikis. help.organization.title=Content Organization help.start.description=Easy steps to get you started with XWiki. help.start.title=Getting Started help.templates.article.description=Article page help.templates.article.title=Article help.templates.create.description=Integrate structure and macros in an existing page, and transform it in a template. help.templates.create.tip={0}Template Providers{1} expose templates on the Create Page dialog so that the users can use them. help.templates.create.title=Create your template help.templates.description=Templates are predefined pages that are copied when creating a new page. help.templates.encyclopedia.description=Encyclopedia page help.templates.encyclopedia.title=Encyclopedia help.templates.examples.description=Want to start from a predefined template? Here are some examples of available templates inside XWiki help.templates.examples.title=Examples help.templates.meeting.title=Meeting Report help.templates.meeting.description=Agenda and notes help.templates.simple.description=With table of contents help.templates.simple.title=Simple Page help.templates.more=View more templates help.templates.title=Templates help.templates.useTemplates.description=Templates are predefined pages that can be copied when creating a new page. help.templates.useTemplates.tip={0}Creating pages{1} based on templates makes it faster to adapt predefined content to your needs. help.templates.useTemplates.title=Use templates help.title=Help help.title1=How to use XWiki? help.title2=Main XWiki features help.try.label=Try it! help.videos.description=View our collection of video tutorials. help.videos.more=View more videos help.videos.title=Videos help.videos.videoCard1.title=Homepage Overview help.videos.videoCard1.topic1=Discover the elements displayed on your homepage help.videos.videoCard1.topic2=Start browsing your wiki help.videos.videoCard2.title=Homepage Customization help.videos.videoCard2.topic1=Learn how to change your wiki colour theme help.videos.videoCard2.topic2=Learn how to add panels and columns to your wiki look help.videos.videoCard2.topic3=Learn how to add widgets to a wiki help.videos.videoCard3.title=Page and Content Creation help.videos.videoCard3.topic1=Discover how to create a page help.videos.videoCard3.topic2=Learn how to use the WYSIWYG editor help.videos.videoCard3.topic3=Discover the view and edit modes help.videos.videoCard4.title=Importing Office Documents to XWiki help.videos.videoCard4.topic1=Discover how to import Office Documents to your wiki help.videos.videoCard4.topic2=Learn how to use a "Table of content" macro' help.videos.videoCard5.title=App Within Minutes help.videos.videoCard5.topic1=Discover how to create an application help.videos.videoCard5.topic2=Learn how to use your application help.videos.videoCard6.title=Add / Remove Extensions help.videos.videoCard6.topic1=Discover how to add/remove extensions using the Extension Manager help.videos.videoCard6.topic2=Discover the XWiki Administration UI help.videos.hint=This video showcases XWiki features with a subtitled screencast without audio indications. The following documentation links provide a text alternative to this video. ## Example Macro rendering.macro.example.description=Shows an example and its source code. rendering.macro.example.content.description=The example code. Help.Code.Translations 0 XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass dae92f24-01a3-4f0f-aff9-33ef8e63f977 XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass 0 0 select 0 scope 1 Scope 0 |, 1 0 GLOBAL|WIKI|USER|ON_DEMAND com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StaticListClass WIKI