# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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If you want to include them, you need to perform an individual deletion request for each of them. changerequest.mergeApprovalStrategy.name.acceptall=Publish without constraint changerequest.strategies.acceptall.description=This strategy allows to publish the requested changes without any review. changerequest.strategies.acceptall.status=Current strategy allows to publish the requested changes without any review. changerequest.mergeApprovalStrategy.name.onlyapproved=Require only approvals changerequest.strategies.onlyapproved.description=This strategy allows to publish the requested changes when there's at least one review and all reviews are approvals. changerequest.strategies.onlyapproved.status.success=All reviews are approvals so the requested changes can be published. changerequest.strategies.onlyapproved.status.failure=The change request cannot be published without valid approval or if at least one review request for changes. changerequest.mergeApprovalStrategy.name.fixednumberapprovals=Require a fixed number of approvers to approve changerequest.strategies.fixednumberapprovals.description=This strategy allows to publish the requested changes only when a specified number of approval reviews is reached. changerequest.strategies.fixednumberapprovals.status.success=At least {0} approval reviews have been reported so the requested changes can be published. changerequest.strategies.fixednumberapprovals.status.failure=This change request needs at least {0} approval reviews, {1} approvals are still missing. changerequest.mergeApprovalStrategy.name.allapprovers=Require all approvers to approve (with fallback) changerequest.strategies.allapprovers.description=This strategy allows to publish the requested changes only if all approvers approved it. This strategy automatically fallbacks on "Require only approvals" if the list of approvers is empty. changerequest.strategies.allapprovers.status.success=All approvers have approved this change request. changerequest.strategies.allapprovers.status.failure=This change request needs all approvers to approve it. changerequest.mergeApprovalStrategy.name.allApproversNoFallback=Require all approvers to approve (without fallback) changerequest.strategies.allApproversNoFallback.description=This strategy allows to publish the requested changes only if all approvers approved it. This strategy does not fallback if the list of approvers is empty. changerequest.strategies.allApproversNoFallback.status.success=All approvers have approved this change request. changerequest.strategies.allApproversNoFallback.status.failure=This change request needs all approvers from the list of approvers to approve it. It cannot be published if the list is empty. changerequest.checkers.right.incompatibilityReason=The provided document rights are not compatible with the other documents added in this change request. changerequest.checkers.status.incompatibilityReason=The requested change request is already closed or published, no change can be added to it. changerequest.checkers.minimumApprovers.incompatibilityReason=The minimum number of approvers is not reached on the targeted change request: no change can be added to it until this is fixed. changerequest.checkers.approversright.incompatibilityReason=The approvers you selected does not have proper rights for approving. changerequest.script.compatibility.changeRequestNotFound=Cannot find the given change request. changerequest.save.error.conflict=Conflict found in the changes. changerequest.save.error.notfound=Could not find file changes for the reference: {0}. changerequest.save.error.rightsconflict=Conflict with rights found in the changes. changerequest.user.profile.menu=Change Requests changerequest.user.profile.authorcr.title=Authored Change Requests changerequest.user.profile.approverscr.title=Change Requests to review changerequest.user.profile.switchWiki=Display change requests for following wiki: changerequest.user.profile.nowiki=The change request application is not installed in any of the wiki this user belongs to. changerequest.livetable.doc.name=Location changerequest.livetable.doc.date=Last modified changerequest.livetable.doc.title=Title changerequest.livetable.status=Status changerequest.livetable.changedDocuments=Target documents changerequest.livetable.authors=Authors ChangeRequest.Code.ChangeRequestClass_status_draft=Draft ChangeRequest.Code.ChangeRequestClass_status_merged=Published ChangeRequest.Code.ChangeRequestClass_status_ready_for_review=Ready for review ChangeRequest.Code.ChangeRequestClass_status_ready_for_merging=Ready for publication ChangeRequest.Code.ChangeRequestClass_status_closed=Closed ChangeRequest.Code.ChangeRequestClass_status_stale=Closed (stale) changerequest.save.changestatus=Update status changerequest.save.fixconflict=Fix conflict changerequest.save.newchange=Add new change changerequest.save.creation=Creation of the change request changerequest.save.update=Update of the change request changerequest.save.title=Update title changerequest.save.description=Update description changerequest.save.merge=Publishing changerequest.save.rollbackMerge=Rolling back the publication changerequest.save.split=Creation by splitting changerequest.save.addReview=Adding a new review