XWiki.Ratings RatingsTranslations mr en 1 xwiki:XWiki.Admin XWiki.Ratings.WebHome xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin 1.1 <comment/> <minorEdit>false</minorEdit> <syntaxId>plain/1.0</syntaxId> <hidden>true</hidden> <content>admin.ratings=रेटिंग्ज rating.rate=दर ! ### Missing: rating.saveexception=Error when saving the rating. ### Missing: rating.votenotvalid=You cannot vote with 0 value. ### Missing: rating.voteoutofbounds=The vote is out of the scale limit. ### Missing: rating.setvote.inprogress=Your vote is being saved... ### Missing: rating.setvote.success=Your vote has been saved! ### Missing: rating.setvote.error=Error when saving your vote. ### Missing: XWiki.Ratings.RatingsConfigurationClass_enabled=Enable Ratings ### Missing: XWiki.Ratings.RatingsConfigurationClass_enabled.hint=Enabling ratings allows users to vote on pages and display the average votes. Disabling them doesn't remove the existing vote, it just hides the interface. #@deprecatedstart ## until 12.9RC1 admin.ratings.activateratings=या विकीवरील रेटिंग्ज सक्रिय करा ### Missing: admin.ratings.activateratingsinfo=Activating the ratings on this wiki will display a visual average rating (composed of stars) at the top right corner of each document of this wiki (except the ones in the *XWiki* space). Authenticated users will be able to rate documents by clicking on the stars. An alternative to this is to use the *Ratings Panel*, for example to only enable ratings in the desired spaces. To use the Ratings Panel, please visit the *Panel Wizard* administration section. ### Missing: admin.ratings.resetratings=Reset all the ratings on this wiki. This will make all documents start over with no vote. Be aware that this operation is irreversible, besides on a document-per-document rollback basis. Resetting all ratings can take a while if the wiki has a large amount of documents already rated. ### Missing: admin.ratings.uninstallratings=Uninstalling the ratings application will delete the documents that compose the application, but *all votes on rated document will be preserved*. If you reinstall the application later on, the documents will start over with the saved average rating they had before uninstalling the application. Finally, uninstalling the ratings application will *remove the ratings category* from the wiki administration. admin.ratings.ratingsactivated=रेटिंग सक्रिय केली गेली आहे admin.ratings.ratingsdeactivated=रेटिंग निष्क्रिय केली गेली आहे admin.ratings.illegalrequest=बेकायदेशीर विनंती rating.yourvote=आपले मत rating.logintorate=रेट करण्यासाठी लॉगिन करा rating.novotes=अद्याप मते नाहीत ## Used to indicate where deprecated keys end #@deprecatedend</content> </xwikidoc>